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  1. Every student must possess the prescribed text books and note books and bring them regularly as per the given time table.
  2. All the books must be neatly covered and labeled.
  3. All the students should be in proper uniform, neat and tidy.
  4. Every student must look after his/her own belongings.
  5. Chewing gum or paan is prohibited on campus.
  6. Usage of plastic bags and covers are prohibited on campus.
  7. Students/ teachers are strictly forbidden from taking part in politics.
  8. Students are instructed not to bring undesirable books/magazine/electronics gadgets (Camera, Mobile phone, I pod, CD, I pad, Laptop etc.
  9. Students are strictly forbidden from writing to one another.
  10. The School also instructs students against maintaining accounts on social net working sites like face book, twitter, orkut etc. This is to avoid wastage of time on unnecessary matters and also to protect them from the lurking dangers of the site.
  11. Parents are advised to make sure that their children do not misuse the internet.
  12. The school doesn’t hold responsible for injuries sustained by pupil while in the school. However, first aid will be rendered immediately and injuries necessitating hospital causality/OPD treatment will be attended to immediately.
  13. No pupil may receive private tuitions. Parents are urged to encourage their childrento do their daily work diligently and honestly and pay atmost attention to studies
  14. Parents are encouraged to have their children undergo medical examination regularly for general well being especially dental, eye and skin care.
  15. No Student shall indulge in any of the following practices- spitting in or near the school building except where provision is made.
  16. Disfiguring or otherwise damaging school property rowdyism and rude behavior.
  17. Serious violations of rules and discipline of the school are punishable, including removal or expulsion from the school.
  18. Fines which may be deemed necessary to be imposed on students are only to improve of enforce discipline.
  19. Pupils may be required to take part in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities outside the school hours also. When so required, participation will be deemed compulsory.
  20. It is mandatory that students to attend all the functions of the school
  21. Parents are expected to give adequate time to their children to help them in their studies, insist on home work time free from distractions, check with teachers when assignments or other instructions are not clear, encourage them to do their best as far as the accuracy and neatness is concerned.
  22. Parents are advised to encourage their wards to read books at home and collect material which will help them in their education and overall development.
  23. English being the medium of instruction, the students are encouraged to speak in English even while conversing with peers and friends.
  24. Each student safety and all round development is a major concern of the school. Therefore the following should be strictly observed:
  1. Parents of pre-school children are requested to teach their children how to tell their names, address and telephone number.


  2. If a child had to leave the school during school hours, he/she will be given permission to leave only if the parent/Guardian comes to take him/her. In case if they are unable to come, they need to send an authorization letter through the person they depute for this purpose.


  3. Students are instructed not to ride bikes, scooties and come to school.


  4. Good social etiquette in terms of body language and mannerisms should from a part of student’s behavior in class, on campus, and outside the school premises.


  5. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct in and outside the schoolon the part of the pupils will make them liable for disciplinary action.


  6. Students will ensure that the desk and chairs are properly placed. Litter isnot strewn around and wall doors and furniture are not converted to writing space.